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那亚公司成立于一九九六年,公司总部设在上海金桥开发区宁桥路,在浦东机场和外高桥分别设有二个保税库和一个仓库,北京设有分公司,在全国各省市都设有办事处,那亚公司业务面向全球的跨国公司,帮助他们在华进行物流操作管理。现有知名企业客户为KODAK(柯达)JUNIPER(杰科)POLYCOM(宝利通)Siemens(西门子)RAYCO(锐科)TERADYE(泰瑞达)FT(富士得)WAMPFLER(康稳电子)FMC(费森尤斯)AP(昂斯菲特)等,作为一家专业的物流管理公司,那亚帮助这些知名企业进行在中国境内保税渠道的运作和管理,例如保税仓库、分拨中心的管理以及进出口代理服务等。那亚的优质服务,能够帮助那些在华的跨国公司大大提高其在华物流运作的效率。目前那亚在国内己经有一定的知名度,现公司业绩逐年扩大,故向社会招聘以下职位: Established in 1996, Naya is headquartered in Ningqiao Road, Jinqiao Developing District, Shanghai. Except for two bonded warehouses and one normal warehouse in Pudong Airport and Waigaoqiao Bonded district respectively, the subsidiary companies were also set up in other provinces in China as well as in Beijing. Face to those globalize Corps, Naya has helped them managing their supply chain smoothly in China market. Presently many famous Corps such as KODAK, JUNIPER, POLYCOM, SIEMENS, RAYCO, TERADYE, FT, WAMPFLER, FMC and AP are on the list of our clients. As a professional logistic management company, Naya help those well-known Corps to operate and manage the bonded channel in China, which involves bonded warehouse, distribution center management and agent service of import & export. Naya’s perfect service can help those globalize Corps increasing their process efficiency with regard to the supply chain in China, which has made Naya famous domestically. Now by the consideration of persistent development of company business, we would like to recruit the following post:

招聘会地区:上海杨浦区招聘会 招聘会类型:上海市场销售招聘会

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