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上海丝酒酒业有限公司作为国内第一家引入生物动力有机葡萄酒的进口贸易公司,致力于打造中国最具影响力的有机葡萄酒品牌,常年为客户提供高品质的葡萄酒及专业服务。 目前公司独立拥有法国及新世界20余个品牌,近百款葡萄酒。自2008年底成立,丝酒The Wine品牌已成功打入上海、北京等一线城市众多高端酒店餐饮。同时,在上海、北京、天津、成都、青岛、承德等地相继开发多所指定零售店,为全国客户提供高品质葡萄酒和高水准专业服务。 丝酒贸易公司致力于为客户提供优质的有机葡萄酒。葡萄原料的生产采用目前世界上最先进的生物动力学耕作方法,有机葡萄酒酿造过程严格按照欧盟有机标准执行,最大限度地体现葡萄园特有风土条件下葡萄品种的风味特点,做到天人合一,为饮者带来纯正且风格多样的感官享受。为了维持葡萄酒最好的品质,公司还配备大型恒温、保湿、仿真式酒窖仓库,保证葡萄酒在合适的温度、湿度下保存。 作为一家禀赋长期使命及拥有丰富经验的全方位酒业公司,丝酒不仅为广大葡萄酒爱好者提供种类齐全广泛交易的葡萄酒贸易平台,我们在海外的红酒基金还为葡萄酒收藏者及高资产净值人士(HNWIs)提供专业可靠的葡萄酒收藏,投资,及管理服务。 我们注重的不单单是产品,更着重于理财文化。我们在海外的红酒基金秉承“多资产投资组合管理”(Diversification),为投资者们精心打造可持续回报并降低风险的多元化葡萄酒投资组合。此基金百分之八十针对法国波尔多一级酒进行投资,它们产量少较为稀有,需求稳固攀升。还有小部分来自法国勃艮第,香槟以及意大利的优质葡萄酒。我们所投资的液体黄金,能够满足投资者们对“风险-回报”架构的投资需求,并在经济衰退期维持相对较高的保值抗通胀能力。丝酒酒业不但是您身边的葡萄酒专家,更是您投资首选的理财专家。 丝酒酒业以“上善若水,酒醇如丝”为宗旨,全心全意为中国消费者呈现世界级的生物动力有机葡萄酒。上海丝酒酒业有限公司-THE WINE,能够如同它的名字一般,为中国新兴有机葡萄酒市场,开辟一条源远流长的“丝绸之路”! SUPREME FINE WINES (SFW), the first domestic import trading company introduced biodynamic organic wines, is dedicated to creating the most influential brand of organic wines in China, and provides customers with high quality wines and professional services. At present, our company has exclusively owned more than 20 brands from France and the New World, also carries approximately more than 100 types of different wine around the world. Since established in late 2008, The Wine brand owned by SFW has successively entered reputable high-end hotels and restaurants located in Shanghai, Beijing and other first-tier cities. Meanwhile, SFW also have many strategic partners in Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Chengdu, Qingdao, and Chengde etc, to provide customers with more platforms to enjoy our high quality wines and professional service. SFW is devoted to offering customers with superior organic wines. All wines we sold are brewed with grapes planted by means of the most advanced biodynamic tillage methods, and the brewing process is strictly in conformity with the EU organic standards. Thus, such wine products are capable of reproducing the flavor and characters of grape varieties grown in the unique climatic conditions of vineyards to the maximum extent, and combining the natural advantages with human endeavor so as to create pure but diversified feeling for drinkers. In order to maintain the finest quality of wines, our company has also been equipped with professional warehouse which containing constant temperature and humidity control, to make sure all wines to be kept under appropriate storage condition. As a very experienced all-round wine company, SFW persisted in our long-term mission, in addition to providing wine lovers with a well established trading channel, our offshore wine fund also provides reliable platform to collectors and HNWIs regarding wine collection, investment, and management. SFW is not only focusing on the product itself, at the same time, we value the culture of wealth management very much. Our offshore wine fund developed diversified wine investment portfolio featuring sustainable returns and lower risk by means of “diversification”. Eighty percents of our funds are invested in the first growth wines from Bordeaux France. These wines are very rare with low productivity but increasing demand globally. The other portions of our wine funds invest in some fine wines from regions such as Burgundy, Champagne, and Italy. The golden liquid assets we invest in are able to fulfill the “risk-return” needs from investors, which is capable of maintaining relatively high value against inflation pressure during economic recession. SFW is a wine expert not only accompanies you, but also your premium choice of wealth management for diversification. Persisting in the mission of “Exclusive wine, exclusive living”, SFW is engaged in presenting world class biodynamic organic wines to Chinese consumers. SUPREME FINE WINES (SFW)- THE WINE will, as its name indicates, establish a long-standing “Silk Road” in the rising organic wines market in China! http://www.supremefinewines.com HR Recruitments Email: kitty@supremefinewines.com 应聘者注意事项: 1.请将您的中英文简历E-MAIL或邮寄至公司人力资源部门,并注明应聘职位; 2.我们荣幸收到您的邮件后将在一周内作出是否安排面谈的决定,面谈的流程各个岗位会有所不同。面谈后一周左右确定是否进入下一轮面谈;由于应聘邮件较多,故不能一一回复,敬请谅解; 3.我们愿意和每一位应聘者保持联系并建立友好关系,您投递的简历将进入隆盛的人才库,并且会和您在51简历库中的简历同步更新,一旦有适合您的岗位产生,我们将会和您联系; 4.如约定面谈,请勿失约(确需变更,请提前电话告知),我们将在人才库中记录下我们每次联系的情况; 5.确定录用,发出offer之后入职之前,我们对每一位员工进行严格的背景核实,包括教育、工作等情况,请您确保在面试各个流程提供的简历、面试所述工作、教育等情况属实。

招聘会地区:上海浦东新区招聘会 招聘会类型:上海酒店餐饮招聘会

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