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粉瑞得制药设备(上海)有限公司招聘process engineer实验室工程师、会计 Accountant






粉瑞得制药设备(上海)有限公司招聘职位:process engineer实验室工程师、会计 Accountant


Founded in 1946, our group has now been known worldwidly as an European facilities supplier for the pharmaceutical, chemical and food industry. We are experienced in the sizing, sieving and handling technology. The Frewitt Pharma Machinery (China) Co., Ltd which is sololy-invested by the European parent company was istablished in Shanghai at the end of 2008. In this two years, the company has developed rapidly. Now the company has invested and istablished a new factory in Xinzhuang Industry District,Shanghai as well as a technical center in Shijiazhuang For more information, please see the website: www.frewitt-china.cn 我集团成立于1946年,是全球化工、医药及食品工业知名的欧洲设备供应商。我们在筛分、研磨及传送技术方面有着丰富经验。我们在上海近郊2008年年底成立的装配公司,系欧洲总公司的独资企业。经过两年多的快速发展,公司逐步扩大,于今年5月在石家庄成立了技术中心,并扩大投资搬入莘庄工业区新的厂房。 想了解我们的产品,请搜索以下网址: www.frewitt-china.cn Founded in 1946.Today we are an internationally registered trade mark, known worldwide in the pharmaceutical, chemical and foodstuffs industries. Our enormous experience and success in the sizing, sieving and handling technology has enabled us to expand into an ultra modern and efficient company. The latest equipment and working methods, as well as a flexible team of employees, guarantee the highest quality manufacturing standards, while our technical staff provide professional advice on problems faced by our potential Customers.

招聘会地区:上海闵行区招聘会 招聘会类型:上海生物医药招聘会

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