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捷思市场研究及顾问有限公司招聘Research Executive/研究主任






捷思市场研究及顾问有限公司招聘职位:Research Executive/研究主任


N-Dynamic Market Research & Consultancy Limited is a progressive full service independent market research agency founded by a group of experienced market researchers in year 2000. 捷思市场研究有限公司是由一群经验丰富的研究员于2000年建立。 We are headquartered in Shanghai and have operating offices in Beijing and Hong Kong. Through its 35 affiliated agencies in China, we are able to conduct research throughout the entire China. Coping with clients’ requests, we are also conducting research in most countries in Asia. 捷思总部设在上海,并在北京,香港设有办事处。 我们已建立了覆盖全中国的执行代理网络 – 拥有35家访问执行代理公司与超过600名的训练有素的访问员。应客户的要求, 我们也在亚洲地区进行市场研究。 We have a strong management team of Directors from Hong Kong who have over 25 years of international marketing and research experience, and a high-calibre team of local researchers. We have in-depth understanding of the needs of multi-nationals and the local Chinese marketplace, thus bringing us lots of loyal customers from a variety of industries. 我们的董事长陈刚达先生和董事总经理施淑媛女士均有超过25年的营销及市场研究经验,并且拥有一个富有经验的本地团队。 In 2004, we were accepted by IRIS (a global network of independent research agencies of over 30 members worldwide) as the only member representing China due to our high quality standard, capabilities and full-service offerings. We are also constantly innovating to introduce new services to meet the changing demand of clients. 在2004年,通过严格的质量审核并拥有丰富的调研经验, 捷思市场研究公司被接纳为IRIS(International Research Institutes国际研究协会)在中国大陆的唯一会员。IRIS是由来自全球4大洲,30个国家的独立市场研究公司组成的专业调研联盟,在每一个国家只能有一位会员代表.

招聘会地区:上海宝山区招聘会 招聘会类型:企业专场招聘会

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